Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hi, im 20 male looking for crossdressing and makeup.?

Hi, i have been wondering what it would be like to have a misstress force makeup on me and force me into female clothing and train me to be a girl. I cant seem to find any in my area. can anyone help me find one.Hi, im 20 male looking for crossdressing and makeup.?
Well, you can't find one here either. This is not a dating site or a fetish site. This is a site where people have legitimate issues in life and are needing advice. You are seeking a place for hook-ups and this is not it.Hi, im 20 male looking for crossdressing and makeup.?
You could probably talk a ';standard'; dominatrix into doing it (possibly using a second submissive to apply the makeup and help dress you).
Phone book troll.
Go to Craigs lists and punch in your town or city and post a add
where are you as I think I can help you
  • hair highlights
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